Karim Buzdar holds a degree in telecommunication engineering and holds several sysadmin certifications. As an IT engineer and technical author, he writes for various web sites.
Karim Buzdar
Karim Buzdar holds a degree in telecommunication engineering and holds several sysadmin certifications. As an IT engineer and technical author, he writes for various web sites.
How to Change SSH Port on Linux
The SSH port is the network port used for establishing secure remote connections between computers. By default, SSH runs on port 22. However, you can secure your connection by changing the SSH port. This write-up will present you the process of changing the SSH port...
How to Install Nextcloud on CentOS 9
Nextcloud is a robust, self-hosted file-sharing platform that allows you to control your data, providing a secure alternative to commercial cloud services. It's an excellent choice for those who want to manage their cloud storage service, whether for personal use or within an organization. Installing...
How to Install LAMP Stack on CentOS 9
Learn how to install a LAMP stack on CentOS 9
Limit How Much CPU a Process Can Use in Linux with CPULimit
How to use the cpulimit command to limit the amount of CPU usage a given process is allowed to use, step by step with examples.
DirectAdmin - How to Install on Ubuntu 22.04
If you are looking for a user-friendly way to manage your web hosting on Ubuntu 22.04, then consider using DirectAdmin! DirectAdmin is a web-based control panel for web hosting that helps you in the management of databases, websites, email accounts, FTP, site backup, error pages,...
Cron vs Anacron - Different Ways of Scheduling Jobs on Linux
Learn the differences between cron and anacron jobs, how each one works, the syntax used to set scheduled jobs and real world examples.
Linux Who Command - Display List of Logged In Users
The Linux who command displays list of users that are logged into a system from the terminal or remotely along with other system information.
Uptime Command - How Long Has My System Been Running?
Find out how long your Linux system has been running with the uptime command. We show you how to use uptime, it's options, and explain the output.
Linux Seq Command - Print a Sequence of Numbers
How to use the seq command to print a sequence of numbers with examples and some common use cases. The Linux seq command and all of it's options.
Which Command - Show Full Path of Shell Commands
Using the which command to show full path of shell commands. Learn how the which command works and it's relationship to the PATH environmental variable.
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